Unlimited NOW Blog

It's time we speak our truth and share an unfiltered perspective on life.
As an advocate for equality and inclusion, you will find the FIERCE in some of these articles as I challenge updated systems and ways of working that keep us stuck and playing small.

What is the cost of not living in alignment with your purpose? freedom happiness mindset money values Jul 31, 2022

Are you living in alignment with your purpose? Pay attention to how this question makes you feel. What is not said, yet shows up as emotions in our body are just as important as the spoken words. 



Are you happy with your life? If not, what would make you happy? If you're...

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Is your self-worth defined by your salary? corporate identity maternity leave money self-worth Jul 05, 2022

As the 1st of June was approaching, so was my excitement (or should I say nervous excitement) for the kick-off of the National inaugural campaign, 'Kick fear in the butt'. 


Kick fear in the butt was born 11 months ago when I hit rock bottom with my mental health after returning to my...

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Letters from mums of the pandemic - a first time mum shares her story anxiety anxiety relief art therapy corporate identity mindfulness mindset money self-worth Jun 22, 2022

Dear Mum of the Pandemic,

I am a first time mum who gave birth right on the eve of Sydney lockdown in May 2021. In 2020 I also experienced three miscarriages through lockdowns and restrictions on medical services. I work in the travel industry, so on top of everything happening in...
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Letter from a mum of the pandemic - The challenges of an international family anxiety anxiety relief art therapy mindfulness mindset money self-worth Jun 19, 2022

Dear Mum of the Pandemic,


I became a Mum to my gorgeous 19-month-old baby girl during a pandemic in Hong Kong. I have always loved children and have worked with families for over 10 years before starting my own. That's why it was a complete shock how underprepared I felt looking...
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Parental leave policies become birth control for female executive leaders! anxiety anxiety relief corporate identity mindfulness mindset money Mar 08, 2022

From a young age we were told we need to work hard to succeed in life, that we "should" go to University or tafe to build a solid foundation for ourselves and when we can, we should get into the property market to set ourselves up for the future.



"Yes ma’am"... that’s...

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Letter from a mum of the pandemic- the upside of having more time together! anxiety anxiety relief art therapy mindfulness mindset money Mar 01, 2022

Dear Mum of the Pandemic,


I was a first-time mum who just skipped covid for the birth of my first son. I did however go into lockdown when he was quite young and my mothers’ group had to stop. Then I had my second son in august of 2021. At least I was able to have him with my hubby...

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Letter from a mum of the pandemic - insight into PNDA and PTSD art therapy bed manifestation mindfulness mindset money Mar 01, 2022

Dear Mum of the Pandemic,


I first became a mum in January 2019 to a beautiful baby boy. Although it was pre-pandemic, I still entered motherhood in a way I’d never imagined. A traumatic code 1 C-section emergency birth left me with PNDA & PTSD. Still battling with PNA, I...

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Letters from mums of the pandemic- Young single mum shares her insights into motherhood! anxiety anxiety relief art therapy corporate identity mindfulness mindset money self-worth Feb 27, 2022

Dear Mum of the Pandemic,


I’m a young, single mum. I gave birth to a beautiful little boy in February 2020 when the pandemic was just starting. I previously worked an administrative job. I have lived a some what challenging life but out of pain comes power.


I guess I expected...

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Letters from mums of the pandemic- PNDA and returning to the Corporate world for only two hours! anxiety anxiety relief art therapy corporate identity mindfulness mindset money self-worth Feb 27, 2022

I am a first time mum to a cheeky 16 month old that keeps me on my toes. I was pregnant and gave birth to her during the pandemic which created much uncertainty, however also silver linings that I am grateful for.

Prior to having our girl, I worked in an extremly fast paced role and company that...

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