The Little Paws, Big Roars community exists to champion parents and carers in their journey of raising confident, inclusive, self-assured kids.
We are here to support parents and carers, who support their kids by providing strategies, resources, and tools that we call products with purpose.
From confidence and mindfulness cards, and affirmation cards with words of encouragement, to activities that promote positive feelings and emotions, there is something to support your journey, to lead your best life - together.
Join the Little Paws, Big Roars Community to receive 1 FREE downloadable product with purpose per month.
Colouring Sheets
Download your FREEÂ colouring sheets here!
Download FREE Colouring Sheets
Simply fill out the form below to receive an email and download your colouring sheets. You’ll also receive all the latest news and offers!
Little Paws, Big Roars
Series One
We have a series of books available in the Little Paws, Big Roars Series One.
- Book 1 - What Power Does One Little Cub Have?
- Book 2 - Why is it Better for Cubs to Work Together?
- Book 3 - Why do Unique Cubs Help Us All?
- Shhh... we also have an EPIC guided journal coming your way!!!
Products with Purpose
Little Paws, Big Roars has loads of educational resources, fun activities, and products with PURPOSE.Â